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CGMS April 2011: Introductory Forum for the Center

The Center for the History of the New America aims to make the University of Maryland the hub for understanding the long immigration history of the US.

Forum Information

April 13, 2011
Mary Mount Hall, Maryland Room

About the Forum

Since 1965, legal and demographic changes have made the United States an immigrant society once again. Inspired by this fact, the Center for the History of the New America aims to make the University of Maryland the hub for understanding the long immigration history of this country, from 1500 to the present, and its connections to world history. The Center will provide a distinctive institutional home for interdisciplinary and trans-national research, for training faculty and students, and for distributing information about the history of the immigrant experience to a broad public.

The forum brought in many students, administrators, and professors interested in the new center.

Featured Speakers

Ira Berlin, Distinguished University Professor of History 

Julie Greene, Professor of History