Department of History Announces Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow
April 21, 2022
Gerardo Ienna New Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
Gerardo Ienna holds a bachelor's and master's degree in philosophy from La Sapienza University in Rome and a PhD in sociology and history of science from the University of Bologna. He has done research at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris, the University of Verona, the Free University of Bolzano, and the University Ca' Foscari in Venice. His work lies at the crossroads of social history of science, historical epistemology, historiography of science, and sociology of science. His areas of specialization are Marxist debates on science and society, Marxist historiography of science, French historical epistemology, historical sociology of science, science and technology studies, and the history of twentieth-century philosophy of science.
He is currently a Marie Skłodowska Curie postdoctoral fellow at the University of Verona and the University of Maryland (MISHA, Horizon 2020; GA: 101026146). His project aims to understand the transnational emergence and flourishing of radical science movements with a focus on physics communities in Italy, France, the UK, and the US. HIs project will reconstruct scientific networks from the examination of conference proceedings, programs and lectures of summer schools and seminars, and programmatic documents as well as institutional and informal networks (political militancy, correspondence, internal relations). The work will define the epistemological and political characteristics of the debate on non-neutrality in science at a transnational European level.
Read some of Ienna's work here.