History, Memory, and Oblivion in Medieval Islam | The Miller Center | Antoine Borrut and Michele Lamprakos

History, Memory, and Oblivion in Medieval Islam | The Miller Center | Antoine Borrut and Michele Lamprakos
Thursday, October 19, 2023
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Taliaferro Hall,
2110 (Berlin Room)
How do people engage with the past as they construct their present? Michele Lamprakos explores Spain's relationship to its Islamic history through the Great Mosque of Cordoba, a building of blended architectural styles shaped by centuries of cultural conflict. Antoine Borrut considers the role of astrologers as historians in early Islam and their subsequent erasure as religious scholars turned to different ways of knowing and narrating the past.
Michele and Antoine will each present on their current book projects, which together invite us to examine the ways power functions in shaping historical memory and representations of our world.
Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP here by October 16 if you plan to attend.